Norming eHRMS 2024.04 is Released

May 10th 2024

Dear Partners,

Thanks for your continued support of Norming solutions. Norming eHRMS 2024.04 is released with the below new features:

Part I - New Modules

Custom Queries 

Allows users to create the user-defined inquiries to get data from table or view and display in a list, also the data can be exported into excel file for future analysis.

● Custom Charts 

Allows users to use SQL query to create dataset, then displays the dataset in graphic or chart format.

Part II - New Features

Payroll Template

1. Provides the ability to encrypt PDF-formatted Payslip which are sent through the Pay Statement utility.


1. Allows to set the Priority of leave code as 'Unlimited', thus such kind of leave request will not be affected by the priority control.

2. Allows to add 'Gender' to leave code.


1. Provides the import/export function for 'Indicators' and 'Indicator Groups' functionalities.


1. The second Supervisor in the Employee Profile can be updated now.

2. Displays the number of employees in the Employee List.

3. Provides the import/export function for the following functionalities: 'Pay-To Banks' and 'Job Titles'.

4. Enhances the import function for the Employee Profile functionality by providing more fields, like Department, Division, Region, Section, Unit, and etc.


1. Overtime requests can be canceled if they meet one of the following two conditions:

- Overtime requests have been approved but the overtime bank have not been updated.

- Overtime requests have been approved and the overtime bank have been updated, but the banked hours have not been taken, written off or cashed.


1. Upgrades tomcat to 9.0.65.

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